The Hidden Costs of Financial Stress on Your Workforce

In today's fast-paced world, financial stress is a silent yet pervasive issue affecting many employees in the UK. This type of stress not only takes a toll on individuals but also significantly impacts businesses. Let's explore the hidden costs of financial stress on your workforce and what you can do to mitigate them.

Understanding Financial Stress

Financial stress stems from concerns about money management, debt, and overall financial security. It's a burden that can lead to sleepless nights, anxiety, and strained relationships, ultimately affecting an individual's health and productivity. 

The Impact on Employees

When employees are financially stressed, it's not just their personal lives that suffer. Their work performance, mental clarity, and overall job satisfaction can all take a hit. Here’s how:

Reduced Productivity

Financial worries can distract employees, leading to decreased focus and efficiency at work. A study by PwC found that financially stressed employees are five times more likely to be distracted by their finances at work.

Increased Absenteeism

Employees dealing with financial issues are more likely to take time off due to stress-related illnesses, or to manage their financial situations.

Lower Morale

When financial stress is prevalent, it can create a negative work environment, leading to lower morale and higher turnover rates.

The Cost to Employers

The financial implications for businesses dealing with a financially stressed workforce can be substantial. Financial stress is a key factor contributing to staff turnover. High staff turnover rates require employers to spend considerably on the recruitment and training of new employees. This time and money could alternatively be invested in employee benefits designed to boost employee financial wellbeing.

Solution to Mitigate Financial Stress

Addressing financial stress in the workplace is not only beneficial for your employees, but also for the overall health of the business.

A key tool to boost employee financial wellbeing is Earned Wage Access, also referred to as On-Demand Pay. This service allows employees to access and withdraw a portion of their earned wages prior to their traditional pay day. This empowers employees by giving them the ability to manage their own money, and cover any expected costs by using their earned wages, rather than debt.

Read more here about what On-Demand Pay is.

With Level, your employees will not only have access to Earned Wage Access, but also to Payroll Savings, a Personal Finance Coach, and Budgeting tools. The combination of these four tools helps improve your employees financial wellbeing, and manage their financial stress.

Learn more about these other financial wellbeing tools here.


Financial stress is a hidden cost that can have far-reaching consequences for both employees and employers. By recognising the impact of financial stress and implementing strategies to address it, businesses can create a more supportive and productive work environment. Investing in the financial wellbeing of your workforce is not just a compassionate choice; it's a smart business decision that can lead to a healthier, happier, and more efficient organisation.

Ready to take the next step? Explore talk to our team to find out more about how Level, and On-Demand Pay, can help boost your employee’s financial wellbeing.


Why Your Company Should Offer Employees Financial Wellbeing Tools


Improving Worker's Financial Wellbeing Using On-Demand Pay